Monday, 11 April 2016

In Nigeria today one of the biggest things that people complain about is customer service.
We all have terrible stories of the different times we tried to buy something and we were ignored by staff, and some of us can even recall being insulted by staff.
The more I experience bad customer service, the more I realize that customer service is just a result of the problem, the root problem is something else entirely. Most customer service issues can be easily solved by paying attention to a few little things.
1. Appreciate them
Many organizations do not appreciate their staff.
It almost seems ridiculous to expect the staff to be kind and generous to the customer, when the boss is not kind and generous to the staff. If we are what we are constantly exposed to, then a staff member will believe that they are stupid and incompetent, since this is what many bosses say to their staff on a regular basis.
If you want to bring out the best in your staff, then you need to appreciate them. You need to let them know that they are beyond awesome, and that it is because of them the organization is able to serve the customers. When you show them that they are valued, then they will continue to do things that are valuable to you.
2. Let them know Customer Service is important
Some employers just assume that because they know that customer service is important, the staff must know. But that’s not always the case. Many staff members feel like the customer is a nuisance that is always disturbing and distracting them and causing them unnecessary challenges.
It’s up to you as a leader within the organization to explain to them that no matter how challenging the client may be, they are the ones that pay the bills, and it is because of them there is money to pay the staff.
When you highlight and continue to highlight how important the customers are, it will help to change the staff mindset.
3. Show them how to do it
Have you ever had that friend that is always frowning but thinks her face is straight, or that she is smiling? Customer service can be like that sometimes.
Different people have different ideas of what customer service means. For some people not insulting the customer is good enough customer service, for others being polite is good enough, and for others going the extra mile is what customer service is about. As a leader in the organization, you get to decide what is good enough.
And once you have decided, it is your responsibility to show it to them – to walk them through scenarios, steps and examples. To ensure that for every touch point in your organization, there is an example of what stellar customer service looks like. The more pictures you paint in their heads, the more likely they will be successful in accomplishing your vision.
4. Let them know you’re on their side
Many people say that the customer is always right – that is not true, the customer is not always right, but they do have a valid opinion. It’s important to let your staff know that while the customer’s opinion is always valid and valuable, you are always on the side of your staff.
Let your staff know that you want what’s best for them, and if keeping this client happy is what is best for them, then you would do it, but if letting the client go is what is best for them, then you would let the client go. When you let your staff know that they are more important to you than to the customers then they will always do things to please you.
They will know that they don’t have to fear losing their jobs, but out of love for the job and for you, and because of the respect you have for them, they will do the best they can in any situation. We all want people to believe in us, and to give us the benefit of the doubt, after all WE ARE the ones seeing and dealing with these clients regularly.
5. Have a good relationship with them
In the end it all boils down to the relationship you have with your staff. It all boils down to what emotions they feel when they think of you, and what emotions you can make them feel when they are around you. If you motivate them with fear, then they will do whatever you want them to do, as long as they feel you may find out.
But as soon as they know they can get away with it, then they will do otherwise. Customer service is not something that should be left to only when you are physically present, it’s something that is a constant battle. In order to get the best out of your staff, you need to maintain a relationship with them that tells them you value them.
You need to have a relationship that your staff would hate to lose, and because they would hate to lose that relationship they do their best to please you. Fear may work temporarily, but love and respect works for a longer duration.


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